Silver Lining: sick days

September 17, 2012

sick days

Yup, this is me today.

And yesterday.

(And it better not be me tomorrow!)

One thing I'm working on is patience with myself. I get so frustrated when I'm sick, and very impatient when I'm not better right away. It's stressful getting a substitute, and just sitting at home helplessly, worrying about your students, not even having enough energy to clean the kitchen.

On the plus side:

+ 1 angel husband who takes such good care of me

+ 2 amazing coworkers who print sub plans and make copies for me

+ 3 plates of yummy food my stepmom sent me 
(which I have full confidence I'll be able to eat someday)

+ In case anyone wants to risk infection, 
I have all the dry toast, gingerale and saltines you could want.
And a very snuggly cable knit afghan.

P.S. Does anyone have any magical remedies for feeling better?

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